Occupational Hazards


Are you nodding…or shaking your head?

I worked for a number of years in the restaurant as well as retail grocery and non-grocery . I came away with some habits that might qualify me as obsessive-compulsive.

  • Clean out and wash down the refrigerator before each shopping trip.
  • Freezer sorting might be done less frequently and just as thoroughly.
  • At each shopping return trip, rotate supplies by the expiry date, freshest at the back. All bulk goods are divided and surplus stored in bug-proof and, when practical, by air-tight means (gotta love our food sealer)
  • Clear out all cupboard contents about every three months. Wash the walls, base, frame and doors.
  • Dust each item as you organize the area.
  • Over stock by two the paper and chemical supplies.
  • All liquid items are properly disposed of at their expiry date, which includes chemicals and first aid.
  • Unfamiliar products get one chance to make an impression.
  • Whenever possible place items on the menu that are about to expire (in retail, this would be a SALE!).

Okay, so that’s the kitchen and (the start of the) laundry room…. Are you nodding or shaking your head?

Done Deviled

My husband asks if there’s anything he can get me at the store. I shrug and say some sort of protein I haven’t eaten a dozen times this week. I’ve had food apathy for a while now.

I have never had Deviled ham or Deviled chicken before. There’s a red-and-white paper wrapper on each. Hmm, the chicken would probably be an easy start since chicken is rather innocuous as a flavor. Off comes the wrapper.

Uh. Here’s where I get stuck.

The can Continue reading